High Octane Predator is a herbal preparation for men who find it important that their penis is long and thick. When every centimeter counts, you also want to get the maximum result with the right ingredients of the highest quality. Men who choose High Octane Predator know that they have the highest quality in their hands and expect the best result.
High Octane Predator supports natural penis enlargement. The composition of ingredients stimulates the production of a growth hormone and ensures better blood circulation in the penis. Both effects contribute to a bigger and thicker penis.
Swallow 1 tablet twice a day with plenty of water. Best effect is on a not too full stomach. Do not exceed this daily dose.
Men (18+)
Pot of 60 penis enlargement tablets packed in a box
L-Arginine (200 mg), Tribulus Terrestris Extract 4:1 (75 mg), Muira Puama Extract 4:1 (50 mg), Fenusterols Fenugreek (40 mg), Hydrogenated Vegetarian Oil (40 mg), Zinc Citrate (38.7 mg, 120% RI*). *RI = Reference Intake.
E170, E460, E551, E572
60 tablets (64 grams)